Jeff Mycock
Jeff Mycock, RPF is the Chief Forester of West Fraser’s BC Operations. Jeff started his forestry career in the central Cariboo in the early 1990’s and then moved to Cranbrook for six career-forming years with a progressive forest consulting firm in natural resource management. Jeff spent 20 years as a field forester working across a variety of disciplines including silviculture, operations, and forest planning. Jeff is passionate and optimistic about the challenges the forest sector faces in striving for sustainable forest management to meet the demands of society within the shifting capacities of our ecosystems in a changing climate. Jeff is a strong advocate of sustainable economic development balanced with sustainable forest resource management. Spending many years in operational programs with boots on the ground, working with First Nations, and a cross section of resource stakeholders and other qualified professionals has given Jeff a broad perspective with unique and articulate linkages between policy and practice.