SIP Extension
The SIP extension stream focuses on translating and mobilizing knowledge of innovative silviculture to communities, decision-makers and practitioners in BC. Core values of our work include empowering underrepresented voices and supporting Indigenous-led and place-based opportunities to support boots-on-the-ground practitioners who are seeking decision aids and other technical extension products.
We aim to work collaboratively to embed extension processes into innovative silviculture projects at their inception to ensure the needs of users, such as practitioners, decision-makers and/or community members, are thoughtfully considered and engaged throughout project development and implementation. In this way, extension products can be co-created and intentionally designed to support applications. The process of extension focuses on reciprocity as a central principle and encourages two-way conversations about forest management in BC, creating collaborative and inclusive ways to understand and make decisions on complex problems.

The focus of SIP extension:
Currently, the SIP is focused on the following extension work:
- Creating a Knowledge Hub on innovative silviculture, including a database of existing reports and literature, as well as summaries and syntheses of key topics across a variety of ecosystems.
- Supporting existing Communities of Practice in innovative silviculture by connecting and amplifying their work, as well as creating products such as decision aids and toolkits to address knowledge gaps.
- Translating knowledge into practice by sharing research and opportunities for innovative silvicultural activities to a wide audience using engaging, creative, and fun avenues of communication.
Frequent Terms:
What is “extension”?
Extension is a practice of building trust, relationships, and capacity to enable collaboration. Extension supports active engagement with diverse stakeholders and all levels of government (Indigenous and municipal, provincial, federal) to identify opportunities, information needs, and synergies. A foundational principle of extension is spanning boundaries and centering reciprocity, with a focus on two-way knowledge mobilization.
Our aim is to increase the understanding of innovative silviculture systems by connecting the producers of knowledge with the users of knowledge. In this way, extension ensures outcomes are useful, informing the implementation of site plans, landscape planning, community decision-making and even policy transformation. When it comes to knowledge dissemination, extension actively reframes, translates, and mobilizes knowledge depending on different audiences and contexts.
Some examples of extension activities include convening workshops, hosting joint training sessions, creating course curriculum, supporting land based learning, and creating communication tools and resources in creative and targeted ways. For example, the SIP hosted a Knowledge Summit in March 2024 to collectively identify key gaps and needs for innovative silviculture.
What is a “community of practice”?
A community of practice refers to a group of people who share a common interest, profession, or passion and engage in collective learning and knowledge-sharing. Members of a community of practice come together to interact, collaborate, and deepen their understanding of a particular area of interest, which might include sharing of skills, techniques, insights, and new approaches. Communities of practice can exist in various settings, including workplaces, professional associations, online forums, or informal gatherings. They play a crucial role in facilitating collaborative learning, problem solving, and the exchange of knowledge gained through experience and practice.
Some examples of communities of practice include the regional silvicultural committees, provincial forestry associations, working groups, local clubs, non-profit memberships, and more.